Weekly ScheduleMonday:
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Weekly ScheduleMonday:
Fundraising BlitzTomorrow all players will participate in a Fundraiser Blitz after practice. We’ll feed everyone and have a good time working together to raise our program some funds to help pay for everything. More details on that below click on the button to find out the details. Please take a look and make yourselves familiar with what we’re doing. All players should come ready with 20 people to contact. Media Guide SponsorshipsWe’d like to remind everyone of the Media Guide Sponsorship due date, it’s December 8th. We want to encourage everyone to work extra hard on those to get everything in by this Friday. Make this a priority this week and lets meet our individual goals and team goal. Weekly ScheduleMonday:
Weekly ScheduleHere's the schedule this week: Monday: Practice 1:00 - 3:30pm Tuesday: Forbes Elementary Visit
Wednesday: Practice 11:30 - 2:00pm Thursday: Corner Canyon Tournament
Friday: Corner Canyon Tournament
Saturday: Corner Canyon Tournament
Team Lunch Sign UpIf you haven't signed up to help with a team lunch, please take a minute to sign up for a date. This is a great tradition that the boys love and helps us prepare on game day! Fundraising ReminderReminder to continue your fundraising. If you have met your goal help out a teammate to reach theirs.
Weekly ScheduleHere's the schedule this week: Monday: Practice 1:00 - 3:30 Tuesday: Game vs. Montverde
*Sophomores are expected to attend the two games and cheer on our Varsity guys. Entrance for the game will be paid for by the team. Five for Fight Tourney (PG)This week we will be playing two games at in the Five for Five Hoopfest tournament at PG against Montverde (FL) and Alta. We know that there are a lot of family and friends interested in watching our boys play as well as other teams from around the country. Ticket prices are as follows:
Fundraising UpdateThanks for your hard work on contacting potential sponsors and securing some sponsorships. As of 11/19 we have raised just over $10,000 which is 17% of our team goal. Three players have already met their fundraising goal! With this being Thanksgiving week, the best time to contact businesses is likely Monday and Tuesday. After Thanksgiving, we will just have 2 weeks before our Dec. 8 deadline for the media guide. Please check the spreadsheets and contact Carol Rawson if you would like to add any potential sponsors to the list. First WeekOur program had a great first week of the season with tryouts, practice, Player/Parent meeting, team and individual pics, and watching our football team compete in the state semifinals. Here’s a few reminders and updates for the upcoming week Participation FeeThe Participation Fee for Boys Basketball this year is $200. This fee can be paid at the AFHS Finance Office. Please get this required fee paid this week. Fundraising ReminderFriendly reminder to get to work on your fundraising. We want to encourage all the boys to hit up those businesses you’re targeting and start making plans to get out and pitch our media guide to businesses. Target date to have all fundraising completed (adds turned in and approved) is December 8th. Let’s get going on this. If you want to review the parent meeting notes, take a look at the slides below. Weekly ScheduleReminder that you can see the weekly schedule on this website . . . Go to “Boys” then “Schedule”. Monday: Practice 3:30 to 5:30ish Tuesday: Practice 1:00 to 3:00ish Wednesday: Practice 2:00 to 4:00ish Thursday: Practice 1:00 t0 3:00ish Friday: Practice from 3:00 to 5:30ish Sign Up for RemindersMake sure to sign up for reminders, there’s going to be a separate reminders for Players and Parents. Please add yourself to the correct group so we can communicate.